K060815 Belt
Gates Micro-V Serpentine Belt 6 Rib 82-1/8 Inch K060815Gates Micro-V Serpentine Belt 6 Rib 82-1/8 Inch ; Section: K ; Top Width (in): 13/16 Inch ; Top Width (mm): 20mm ; Belt Type: Automotive V-Ribbed Belt (Standard) Serpentine Belt-Premium OE Micro-V Belt Gates K060815Serpentine Belt-Premium OE Micro-V Belt Gates K060815. 2.0 out of 5 stars1 product rating | Write a review. Expand: Ratings. 2.01 rating.
Gates K060815 Micro-V Serpentine Drive Belt Gates K060815 Micro-V Serpentine Drive Belt ; Package Dimensions · 32.385 Cm L X 12.7 Cm W X 2.54 Cm H ; Country Of Origin · China ; Package Weight · 0.46Lbs.k060815 micro-v belt - GatesK060815 MICRO-V BELT · Special belt construction eliminates belt noise, reduces tension loss, and solves problem drive applications. · Utilizes advanced materials

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- 34 mm
- 208.00 Kg