All Products

- EE752306/75238 TIMKEN Double Direction Thrust Bearings
- 2.4375 in
- 2.7000 in

- JHM840449/JHM84041 NSK Double Direction Thrust Bearings
- 1 in
- Maximum of +800 °F

- EE161300/161925 TIMKEN Double Direction Thrust Bearings
- 2.7500 in
- Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary Metals Industry, Steel Industry, Aluminum Industry, Pulp and Paper Industry, Che

- 48282/4822 TIMKEN Double Direction Thrust Bearings
- 50 mm
- 26000 lb

- EE420651/421417 TIMKEN Double Direction Thrust Bearings
- 12 mm
- 2150 lbf

- EE158350/158442 NSK Double Direction Thrust Bearings
- 3.7500 in
- -65 to +250 °F

- HM125948/HM125918 TIMKEN Double Direction Thrust Bearings
- 1.2500 in
- Dual Lip with Slinger

- EE833160X/833232 NSK Double Direction Thrust Bearings
- 30 mm
- 1700 kgf

- 82550/8295 TIMKEN Double Direction Thrust Bearings
- 50 mm
- 6300 kgf

- LM451345/LM45131 NSK Double Direction Thrust Bearings
- 1.3125 in
- 2150 lbf

- 48385/4832 TIMKEN Double Direction Thrust Bearings
- 60 mm
- 168 kN

- EE168400/1685 NSK Double Direction Thrust Bearings
- 15 mm
- 2150 lbf